Once after you have chosen your diamond embroidery is it has been delivered to your home, the next step is to learn how to make your Diamond Painting. The steps are easy to follow, here is a method to assist you step by step in your first achievement.

Before you begin:

1. Prepare your space

Before you even begin, you need to create a creative space for yourself where you can go without interruption, so that you have all the necessary materials on hand for you to have a good time. Over time, favor a reclining table so you can be more comfortable.

2. Organizing your kit

Before you begin your Diamond Embroidery, an important step due to the making of your canvas is to arrange your supplies in an efficient manner. All kits have similar contents, one of them being diamonds. It is important to arrange and sort the diamonds before you begin to avoid any waste. Be organized :)

3. Understand the symbols

The next step is to understand the symbols and study them a little before you start. This will help you get an idea of what the painting will look like. We make sure to make our Diamond painting with clear and easy to read symbols, so no worries.

Start your embroidery:

4. Choosing your first diamonds

Once you've set up your space and studied the symbols on the canvas, you can begin the embroidery by pouring the diamonds into your cup with a little shake to get them lined up face up. Organization is the art of success and fun.

5. Discover the web

Once you have arranged the diamonds in the cup, peel back some of the protective film from the canvas to begin your diamond embroidery. Do this as you go, but you can also replace the protective film with parchment or parchment paper, is made small squares to make your canvas as you go.

6. Pick up the diamonds

Remove the wax protection and prick your stylus into the glue pot to fill the tip. Once you have done this, you can press the head of the diamonds to pick them up. The diamonds will easily stick to the stylus. By poking the stylus into the wax, you can stick dozens of diamonds without having to repeat the process.

7. Glue the diamonds to the canvas

Start gluing the diamonds to the canvas with the corresponding symbols but gently, this will avoid damaging the diamond or the canvas. No worries the quality of the canvas glue will allow to very well fix the diamonds without effort.

8. Repeat the process

Glue all the diamonds to their respective areas and repeat until the canvas is complete.

9. Frame the canvas

Once the painting is finished, you can keep it forever by framing and hanging it or if you end up collecting them give them to your friends and family or associations, I remind you, these are real works of art made by a budding artist ;)

And now that you're hooked on Diamond Painting, all you have to do is order a new pretty canvas on Oraloa.com

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