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The Oraloa adventure began in May 2021.
You read correctly, it has now been 1 year since this beautiful story was created.
For 1 year we did our best, we listened to you, we tried to innovate, to offer you beautiful things, new artists.
We enjoyed talking with you, taking your ideas into account so that Oraloa becomes a real community!
For 1 year we also questioned ourselves (often), we doubted (sometimes), but above all, we created!
Today we would like to thank all the people who have helped in one way or another in the Oraloa adventure, and who still do.
Because it is thanks to you that we are still here today, and that we can offer you products of which we are proud!
We obviously thank our suppliers, with whom we work hand in hand, trying to do our best to satisfy everyone.
A big thank you to our official partners, always present from the start throughout the world, who support us, trust us, and advise us.
Thank you to the artists who have been there from the beginning, thank you to those who joined us along the way. Thank you for trusting us and allowing us to offer your magnificent images.
A huge thank you to you, our fabulous customers, who give us your trust, your feedback, thank you for talking about us, it is thanks to you that we can move forward and continue to develop.
Thank you all!!!!!
So ? How we celebrate Oraloa's 1st anniversary ? We offer you the opportunity to treat yourself throughout the month of May.
First of all, a promo code will allow you to have a 20% reduction on all of your orders throughout the month of May (with no limit on the number of uses): ORAHB
Then, for any order you will have a chance to win an exceptional gift. In fact, throughout the month of May you may be able to find a GOLDEN TIKI by opening your Oraloa order!
But what is a GOLDEN TIKI ? This is a special gift, on which you will find an exceptional reduction of 25, 50 or even 100 $CAD!! A code will be written on your TIKI D’OR and all you have to do is use it to benefit from your reduction.
This reduction will be valid for no time limit, only once.
There will be 26 GOLDEN TIKIs in total, randomly placed in your orders. And obviously the TIKI D’OR are international, all our customers will be able to find them regardless of their location. Keep your eyes peeled!
And my little finger tells me that other lovely surprises will be waiting for you, especially inside your orders.
We sincerely hope you like it.
Thank you again, happy birthday Oraloa and may the adventure continue!!
Miko, Ruben, Steffie and Rachel 🥰
The Oraloa adventure began in May 2021.
You read correctly, it's been 1 year since this beautiful story was created.
During 1 year we have done our best, we have listened to you, we have tried to innovate, to offer you beautiful things, new artists.
We took pleasure in exchanging with you, in taking into account your ideas so that Oraloa becomes a real community!
During 1 year we also questioned ourselves (often), we doubted (sometimes), but above all, we created!
Today we would like to thank all the people who helped us in one way or another in the Oraloa adventure, and who still do.
Because it is thanks to you that we are still here today, and that we can offer you products we are proud of!
Of course, we thank our suppliers, with whom we work hand in hand, trying to do our best to satisfy everyone.
A big thank you to our official partners, always present since the beginning throughout the world, who support us, trust us, and advise us.
Thank you to the artists who have been with us since the beginning, and to those who joined us along the way. Thank you for trusting us and allowing us to offer your magnificent images.
A huge thank you to you, our fabulous customers, who give us your trust, your feedback, thank you for talking about us, it is thanks to you that we can move forward and continue to develop.
Thank you all!!!!!
What's up? How do we celebrate Oraloa's 1 year anniversary? We propose to you during all the month of May to make you happy.
First of all, a promotional code will allow you during all the month of May (without limit of number of uses) to have 20% discount on all your orders: ORAHB
Then, for every order you will have a chance to win an exceptional gift. Indeed, during the whole month of May you may find a GOLDEN TIKI when you open your Oraloa order!
But what is a GOLDEN TIKI? It is a special gift, on which you will find an exceptional discount of 25, 50 or even 100 $CAD! A code will be written on your GOLDEN TIKI and you will just have to use it to benefit from your discount.
This discount will be valid without time limit, only once.
There will be 26 GOLDEN TIKES in total, randomly slipped into your orders. And of course the GOLDEN TIKI are international, all our customers will be able to find them no matter where they are. Keep your eyes open!
And my little finger tells me that there will be other nice surprises, especially inside your orders.
We sincerely hope that you will like it.
Thanks again, happy birthday Oraloa and may the adventure continue!
Miko, Ruben, Steffie and Rachel 🥰
The Oraloa adventure begins in May 2021.
Has leido bien, hace 1 año que se creó esta bonita historia.
During 1 year hemos hecho todo lo posible, os hemos escuchado, hemos intentado innovate, offerreceros cosas bonitas, nuevos artistsas.
Our tastes have been shared with you and you have some ideas so that Oraloa becomes an authentic community.
During 1 year we have our cuestionamos (a menudo), dudamos (a veces), pero sobre todo, ¡creamos!
We ask for our thanks to all those people who have had another training in the adventure of Oraloa, and who are here.
We would like to thank you for our instructions and we can offer you products that we have orgullosos.
We are grateful to our proven partners, and we work together codo, tratando de hacer todo lo posible para satisfacer a todos.
A great agradecimiento to our official socios, siempre presentes desde el principio en todo el mundo, que nos apoyan, confiían en nosotros y nos aconsejan.
Thanks to the artists who are with us from the beginning, they are united with the length of the path. Thank you for trusting our nosotros and allowing us to proponent our magnificent images.
Un enormous agradecimiento à noustedes, nuestros fabulosos clientes, que nos dan su confianza, sus commentarios, gracias por hablar de nosotros, es gracias à ustedes que podemos avanzar y seguir desarrollándonos.
¡¡¡¡¡Gracias a todos!!!!!
¿Qué pasa? ¿As we celebrate the first year of Oraloa? During all my days of mayo, we offer you the possibility of darting a capricho.
First of all, a promotional code will allow you to obtain a 20% discount on all orders during all meals (without limitation of use): ORAHB
In the second place, every time you realize this, you will have the opportunity to win an exceptional treat. ¡De hecho, during all of my mayo you can encounter a TIKI DE ORO to shelter your pedido de Oraloa!
¿Pero qué es un TIKI DE GOLD? Es un special treat, en el que contrará el que contrará an exceptional descuento de 25, 50 o inclusiveo 100 $CAD! On your GOLDEN TIKI you will see a code and only one you will use to benefit from its descuento.
This descuento will be valid without the limit of time, only one person.
Habrá 26 GOLDEN TIKIs in total, which are introduced at the same time on their orders. Therefore, GOLDEN TIKIs are international, all our customers may encounter them all. Mantén los ojos abiertos.
Y mi meñique tell me that you have other pleasant sorpresas, especially among our pedidos.
We sincerely hope that you like it.
¡Gracias de nuevo, happy birthday Oraloa and may the adventure continue!
Miko, Ruben, Steffie and Rachel 🥰
Das Abenteuer Oraloa began in May 2021.
If you have a rich gel, it is 1 day long, it will last longer.
Ein Jahr lang haben wir unser Bestes gegeben, wir haben Ihnen zugehört, wir haben versucht, innovativ zu sein, Ihnen schöne Dinge und new Künstler vorzustellen.
Wir haben es genossen, uns mit Ihnen auszutauschen, Ihre Ideen zu berücksichtigen, damit Oraloa zu einer echten Gemeinschaft wird!
Ein Jahr lang haben wir uns auch selbst in Frage gestellt (oft), wir haben gezweifelt (manchmal), aber vor allem haben wir etwas geschaffen!
Heute möchten wir uns bei all den Menschen bedanken, die auf die eine oder andere Weise beim Abenteuer Oraloa geholfen haben und es immer noch tun.
Denn dank Ihrer Hilfe gibt es und heute noch und wir können Ihnen Product anbieten, auf die wir stolz sind!
Wir danken natürlich auch unseren Lieferanten, mit denen wir Hand in Hand arbeiten und versuchen, das Beste zu tun, um alle zufrieden zu stellen.
Ein larger Dankeschön geht an unsere offiziellen Partner, die von Anfang an auf der ganzen Welt vertreten sind, unterstützen, uns vertrauen und uns mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen.
Danke an die Kunstler, die von Anfang an dabei sind, danke an diejenigen, die sich uns im Laufe der Zeit angeleschlossen haben. Danke, dass Sie some vertrauen and uns erlauben, Ihre wunderbaren Bilder anzubieten.
Ein riesiges Dankeschön an Sie, unsere fabelhaften Kunden, die uns Ihr Vertrauen schenken, Ihre Rückmeldungen, danke, dass Sie über unsprechen, dank Ihnen können wir Fortschritte machen und und weiterentwickeln.
Vielen Dank an alle!!!!!
And? We feel the best of Oraloa? Wir bieten Ihnen den ganzen Monat Mai über die Möglichkeit, sich selbst eine Freude zu machen.
Zunächst gibt es einen Promo-Code, mit dem Sie den ganzen May über (ohne Begrenzung der Anzahl der Verwendungen) 20 % Flap auf alle Ihre Bestellungen erhalten: ORAHB.
Zweitens haben Sie bei jeder Bestellung die Chance, ein außergewöhnliches Geschenk zu gewinnen. Tatsächlich können Sie während des gesamten Monats Mai vieleicht einen GOLDENEN TIKI finden, wenn Sie Ihre Oraloa-Bestellung öffnen!
Aber wast a GOLDENER TIKI? Es handelt sich um ein besonderes Geschenk, auf dem Sie einen außergewöhnlichen Rabatt von 25, 50 oder sogar 100 CAD$ finden!!! If the GOLDEN TIKI is in the Code, it will be added to the code, and then it will be removed.
Diese Ermäßigung ist zeitlich unbegrenzt und nur einmal gültig.
Insgesamt gibt es 26 GOLDENE TIKIs, die zufällig in Ihre Bestellungen eingefügt werden. Naturally, if the TIKI D'OR international is sold, it will be found in different locations. Halten Sie die Augen offen!
Und my kleiner Finger knows, it's no longer a surprise than that, it's all in the inner world.
Wir hoffen aufrichtig, dass es Ihnen gefällt.
Nochmals vielen Dank, alles Gute zum Geburtstag von Oraloa und möge das Abenteuer weitergehen!!!
Miko, Ruben, Steffie and Rachel 🥰.